Wedding Films Largely A Studio

At the beginning of the 20th century, color photography became available, but was still unreliable and expensive, so most wedding photography was still practiced in black and white. The concept of capturing the wedding “event” came about after the Second World War. Using film roll technology and improved lighting techniques available with the invention of the compact flash bulb, photographers would often show up at a wedding and try to sell the photos later. Despite the initial low quality photographs that often resulted, the competition forced the studio photographers to start working on location.

Wedding Films Grown Since

SHINES STUDIO color photography became available, but was still unreliable and expensive, so most wedding photography was still practiced in black and white.

Photographer Record Actual Wedding

  • Two approaches to wedding photography are traditional and photojournalistic
  • Indoor photography at a church, temple, or other private venue during the ceremony and reception. Outdoor photography
  • Most photographers provide a set of proofs (usually unretouched, edited images) for the clients to view
  • Photographers may provide hard copy proofs in the form of 4×5 or 4×6 prints
  • digitally designed “coffee table” albums, contemporary flush mount albums, hardbound books

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